Idaho, Iowa, Des Moines, South Carolina

Frequently asked questions

FAQs about therapy

Here are some common questions I get about online therapy.

What can I expect during our first meeting?

I'll be asking questions to get a feel for what could be helpful for where you're at right now, and talk about that. This will also be your chance to ask any questions you want to. You seriously don't have to hold back.

Here are some technical things to keep in mind for that meeting:
→ Our very first meeting will usually be about 20 minutes or so (give or take).
→ All the work I do is online, which means this meeting will be an online video call.
→ Before we meet, you'll receive an email that includes the link to join the session.
→ You can join the video call from your phone (it'll have you download an app) or your computer.

There might be some nervousness about meeting a new person, because our anxiety makes us feel like the unknown is a scary thing. 😬

Finding a therapist that works for you can be a lot like finding a good pair of shoes, we sometimes have to try a few before we find one that works for us. The first time we meet is like that, making sure that we're a good fit for each other.

→ I want the clients I'm working with to feel confident that I'm a good match for them.
→ I also want to make sure I feel I have the skills that could be the most helpful for the people I'm working with.

What are your prices?

Your firstborn child.

I'm kidding. Therapy costs more than just a fee. It asks us to look within and connect with our emotions. It requires willingness to do uncomfortable things, and even sit in that discomfort. Therapy also asks us to set aside how we think of ourselves, despite that vulnerability.

Practically speaking, there is a financial and time investment.

My standard rate is 45-50-minute sessions for $200. I only meet with people for online therapy. Session fees are due the day we meet.

My session fee accounts for my graduate degree, thousands of hours in training and supervision, and my specialty in anxiety and adult ADHD in millennial-aged adults.

Working with me is an investment in you and your future. It’s my goal for you to experience lasting results—I want you to reap the rewards of your investment for the rest of your life.

Do you work with insurance companies?

I am an out-of-network provider for many insurance companies.

If you have a private insurance provider, there is a good chance that your insurance will provide some compensation for out-of-network providers.

If you want to use your out-of-network benefits, I'd be happy to provide you with a statement (superbill), that you can submit to your insurance company to seek reimbursement of fees already paid.

I recommend contacting your insurance company to determine your coverage for out-of-network reimbursement.

Many of my clients use their Health Savings Accounts and/or out of network reimbursement to pay for therapy.

Why can't you bill my insurance?

Insurance companies often make decisions that don't benefit people looking for help, and I'm not okay with that. By not working with insurance companies, I get to help in a way that ethically makes sense to me.

Navigating insurance is complicated, and we usually assume that we only have to pay our copay for therapy. But many insurance plans don't pay anything until after the deductible is met, and having a high deductible insurance plan is becoming the norm. This means many people end up paying the full price for therapy, even when using insurance.

When you're not working with insurance, you always know what you'll pay for therapy. It'll be stated clear and upfront.
Another thing that I've found is that insurance is typically connected to our jobs, which means switching jobs means losing insurance coverage and potentially our ability to continue working with a therapist we're comfortable with.

When you're not using insurance, there isn't the added stress of needing to switch therapists, while dealing with the stress of a job change.
These are some of the reasons I've found insurance to be unpredictable for my clients. That's why I've chosen to be an out-of-network therapist, which means I cannot bill your insurance.

Will my insurance pay for therapy?

It's possible. Most private insurance plans include out-of-network benefits. Every insurance provider is different, plus every insurance plan, so the only way to know what your specific insurance plan will cover is by calling your insurance provider and asking.

When you call your insurance company to ask about your out-of-network benefits, I recommend asking:

→ What is my out-of-network deductible for mental health services?
→ What percentage of out-of-network mental health services is covered by my insurance plan?
→ Is online therapy covered?
→ Are there specific forms that have to be filled out for reimbursement?
→ My provider will send me a superbill, how long do I have to submit that?

When we're working together, at the beginning of every month, you'll get a statement (a superbill) that lists all the technical information your insurance company would need to know for out-of-network benefit reimbursement.

You'll submit that superbill to your insurance company, and they'll reimburse you (according to your insurance plan) for the sessions that you've already paid for.

What does it mean to be an out-of-network therapist?

Being an out-of-network therapist means that I do not work directly with insurance companies, so I am not in-network with them. This means that you pay for services on the day that we meet, and I can provide you with a statement (a superbill) to provide to your insurance company for reimbursement.

How often will we meet?

In my experience, people are able to get the most out of therapy when they take the time to apply the concepts they're learning into their daily lives. Our work isn't one of those late-night infomercials, and you're not renting relaxation. Therapy is an investment in yourself.

Meeting less often than every other week can end up delaying the emotional relief you're looking for.

I ask for regularly scheduled appointments that are weekly or bi-weekly. That way you know when your appointments are scheduled, and it becomes a part of your regular routine.

Most of my clients start off making weekly appointments.

Due to high demand for services, my current availability varies, but my usual working days are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

How long until I start to feel better?

Therapy takes time, and it takes commitment. We can't cram self-reflection into one meeting, or even one month, even though that could be more cost-efficient.

I do recommend dedicating a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks of weekly therapy to see how you're applying the changes outside of therapy meetings.

Can I work with you if I'm not a millennial? What ages do you work with?

You don't have to be a millennial to work with me. :)

I work with anyone who is over the age of 18.

What’s your location and availability?

All the work that I do is online (I don't even have an office we could meet at). This means you can live anywhere in Idaho, Iowa, or South Carolina, and we can work together for therapy.

I work on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Because of the high demand for services, we would touch bases on my current availability and if that works for your schedule during our first meeting.

I do what I can to respond to emails within 72 hours.

How can I contact you?

Because of the high demand for services, I am unable to respond to phone calls. I do what I can to respond to emails within 72 hours.

You can email me at:

FAQs about coaching

Here are some common questions I get about perfectionism coaching.

What can I expect during our first meeting?

I'll be asking questions to get a feel for what could be helpful for where you're at right now, and talk about that. This will also be your chance to ask any questions you want to. You seriously don't have to hold back.

Here are some technical things to keep in mind for that meeting:
→ Our very first meeting will usually be about 20 minutes or so (give or take).
→ All the work I do is online, which means this meeting will be an online video call.
→ Before we meet, you'll receive an email that includes the link to join the session.
→ You can join the video call from your phone (it'll have you download an app) or your computer.

There might be some nervousness about meeting a new person, because our anxiety makes us feel like the unknown is a scary thing. 😬

Finding a coach that works for you can be a lot like finding a good pair of shoes, we sometimes have to try a few before we find one that works for us. The first time we meet is like that, making sure that we're a good fit for each other.

→ I want the clients I'm working with to feel confident that I'm a good match for them.
→ I also want to make sure I feel I have the skills that could be the most helpful for the people I'm working with.
→ I want to make sure that coaching is a good fit to help you reach your goals.

What are your prices?

I charge $200 for a 45-minute coaching session.

Most people see me weekly or biweekly for about three months, depending on their goals going into coaching.

How often will we meet?

Most people see me weekly or biweekly for about three months, depending on their goals going into coaching.

How is coaching different from therapy?

In general, therapy focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues. It is a healthcare service that is regulated by the government and usually reimbursable by health insurance policies. In therapy, we’re often addressing more intense emotional pain, such as anxiety, trauma, or depression. There is a bigger emphasis on the past and how the past shapes what is occurring in the present moment. There is also often a bigger focus on how an individual's mental health/illness is impacting their life (depending on the person and what's going on in their life).

On the other hand, coaching is self-regulated. It is often focused on someone’s individual goals, what barriers are stopping them from achieving those goals, and how we can overcome those barriers. It uses knowledge of human behavior, motivation, and behavioral changes, but it’s often in situations where we are trying to enhance aspects of their life instead of eliminating pain. Coaching has more of an emphasis on helping people reach a clear goal by enhancing specific skills.

In my work, both therapy and coaching are done with online video sessions.

With therapy, I can work with people who live in the states of Idaho, Iowa, and South Carolina. You can ask your insurance if you can get out-of-network reimbursement and use an HSA to pay for therapy.

With coaching, I can work with people who live outside of Idaho, Iowa, or South Carolina. Insurance companies do not pay for coaching, and you cannot use HSA's to pay for coaching.

I cannot work with the same clients for both coaching and therapy.

Do you take insurance?

Coaching isn't covered by insurance companies.

What ages do you work with for coaching?

I work with people who are over the age of 18 for coaching.

How can I contact you?

Because of the high demand for services, I am unable to respond to phone calls. I do what I can to respond to emails within 72 hours.

You can email me at:

Still have a question?

Email me at I'll get back to you within 72 hours.

Helping millennial professionals dial down anxiety and stress, so they can perform at their best.